Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Beginning

I've always considered writing a blog but never actually got around to doing it. Not sure how serious I'm going to be about this especially since I haven't even told anyone about this yet.

If I do keep this up it will probably be a weekly recap about life which, if you're reading this blog you probably already know, has a great deal to do with running. Most of the posts will be about my running but I'll probably keep it on a pretty general basis. I might mention a specific workout here or there but I figure anyone who I feel needs to know what I'm doing on a daily basis for workouts already knows. If you don't know but would like too, you can always ask.

As for running right now, I'm on the comeback trail from an injury last spring. Therefore it's not really pretty right now, it's just a lot of slogging through the training trying to get back to a level where I'm fit enough to really focus on racing.

I guess that's all I got for now.